Revelation Order:

This is designed as a learning aid only. No claim is Made is to the accuracy of the order of The Holy Quran  listed below. Certainly only Allah Knows for sure  Its Proper Order.

  1. The Leech-like Clot (Al-Álaq).
  2. The Pen, the Letter N (Al-Qalam, Nün).
  3. Folded in Garments (Al-Muzzammil).
  4. One Wrapped Up (Al-Muddaththir).
  5. The Opening (Al-Fátíha).
  6. The Flame (Al-Lahab).
  7. The Folding Up (At-Takwír).
  8. The Most High (Al-Alá).
  9. The Night (Al-Lail).
  10. The Dawn (Al-Fajr).
  11. The Glorious Morning (Ad-Dhuhá).
  12. The Expansion (Al-Inshiráh).
  13. The Time Through Ages (Al-Àsr).
  14. Those that Run (Al-Àdiyát).
  15. Abundance (Al-Kauthar).
  16. Piling Up (At-Takáthur).
  17. Neighborly Needs (Al-Máün).
  18. Those Who Reject Faith (Al-Káfirün).
  19. The Elephant (Al-Fíl).
  20. The Dawn (Al-Falaq).
  21. Mankind (An-Nás).
  22. Purity of Faith (Al-Ikhlás).
  23. The Star (An-Najm).
  24. He Frowned (Àbasa).
  25. The Night of Power (Al-Qadr).
  26. The Sun (Ash-Shams).
  27. The Zodiacal Signs (Al-Burüj).
  28. The Fig (At-Tín).
  29. Quraish.
  30. The Day of Clamor (Al-Qárìa).
  31. The Resurrection (Al-Qiyámah).
  32. The Scandal-monger (Al-Humaza).
  33. Those Sent Forth (Al-Mursalát).
  34. Qáf.
  35. The City (Al-Balad).
  36. The Night Visitant (At-Táriq).
  37. The Moon (Al-Qamar).
  38. (The Letter) Sád (Sád).
  39. The Heights (Al-Aráf).
  40. The Jinn (Al-Jinn).
  41. Yá-Sín.
  42. The Criterion (Al-Furqán).
  43. The Originator (Fátir).
  44. Mary (Maryam).
  45. Tá-há.
  46. The Inevitable Event (Al-Wáqiá).
  47. The Poets (Ash-Shuàráa).
  48. The Ants (An-Naml).
  49. Narration (Al-Qasas).
  50. The Night Journey (Al-Isrá).
  51. Jonah (Yünus).
  52. Hüd.
  53. Joseph (Yüsuf).
  54. The Rocky Tract (Al-Hijr).
  55. The Cattle (Al-Anàam).
  56. Those Ranged in Ranks (As-Sáffát).
  57. The Wise (Luqmán).
  58. The City of Sabá (Sabá).
  59. The Groups (Az-Zumar).
  60. The Believer (Al-Mümin).
  61. Fussilat.
  62. Consultation (Ash-Shüra).
  63. Gold Adornments (Az-Zukhruf).
  64. Smoke (Ad-Dukhán).
  65. Bowing the Knee (Al-Játhiya).
  66. Winding Sand-tracts (Al-Ahqáf).
  67. The Winds that Scatter (Az-Záriyát).
  68. The Overwhelming Event (Al-Gáshiya).
  69. The Cave (Al-Kahf).
  70. The Bee (An-Nahl).
  71. Noah (Nüh).
  72. Abraham (Ibráhím).
  73. The Prophets (Al-Anbiyáa).
  74. The Believers (Al-Müminün).
  75. Adoration (As-Sajdah).
  76. The Mount (At-Tür).
  77. The Dominion (Al-Mulk).
  78. The Sure Reality (Al-Háqqa).
  79. The Ways of Ascent (Al-Màárij).
  80. The (Great) News (An-Nabaa).
  81. Those Who Tear Out (An-Náziàát).
  82. The Cleaving Asunder (Al-Infitár).
  83. The Rending Asunder (Al-Inshiqáq).
  84. The Romans (Ar-Rüm).
  85. The Spider (Al-Ànkabüt).
  86. Dealing in Fraud (Al-Mutaffifín).
  87. The Heifer (Al-Baqarah).
  88. Spoils of War (Al-Anfál).
  89. The Family Of Ìmrán (Al-Ìmrán).
  90. The Confederates (Al-Ahzáb).
  91. The Woman to be Examined (Al-Mumtahana).
  92. Women (An-Nisáa).
  93. The Convulsion (Az-Zalzalah).
  94. Iron (Al-Hadíd).
  95. Muhammad.
  96. The Thunder (Al-Ràd).
  97. The Most Gracious (Ar-Rahmán).
  98. Time, Man (Ad-Dahr, Al-Insán).
  99. Divorce (At-Talaq).
  100. The Clear Evidence (Al-Baiyina).
  101. The Gathering (Al-Hashr).
  102. Light (An-Nür).
  103. The Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj).
  104. The Hypocrites (Al-Munáfiqün).
  105. The Woman who Pleads (Al-Mujádala).
  106. The Inner Apartments (Al-Hujurát).
  107. Holding (Something) to be Forbidden (At-Tahrím).
  108. Mutual Loss and Gain (At-Tagábun).
  109. Battle Array (As-Saff).
  110. The Assembly (Friday) Prayer (Al-Jumuá).
  111. Victory (Al-Fath).
  112. The Table Spread (Al-Máída).
  113. Help (An-Nasr).
  114. Repentance (Al-Tauba).

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