Basic Concepts of The Holy Quran
Test Your Knowledge of The Holy Quran
I. ALLAH(God, The God)
II. Understanding The Holy Quran
III. The Day of Judgment
IV. The Angels
V. The Messengers
VI. The Books and Scriptures
VII. The Signs of Allah
VIII. Guidance and The Straight Way
IX. Prayer
X. Charity and Zakat
XI. Muslims(The Believers)
XII. Islamic Rituals
ALLAH(God, The God) The Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Who is Allah?
What is He?
Where does He exist?
Why did God create Man and Jinn?
Can You name Some of God's Attributes?
Understanding The Holy Quran
Why did God send Mankind The Holy Quran?
How should a Believer read The Holy Quran?
How should a Believer Listen to The Holy Quran?
Why should Believers follow The Holy Quran?
What is The Holy Quran To those who do not believe?
The Day of Judgment
When will it happen?
What will be the signs?
What will happen to the Earth?
What will happen to Mankind?
What will happen to the Jinn Race?
The Angels
Who are The Angels?
What are their functions?
Who is the Angel Gabriel?
What is the Function of The Angel of Death?
Who are or will be the Guardians of Hell?
What is the name of one of the Angels that will guard the unbelievers in Hell?
The Messengers
Who are the Prophets mentioned in The Holy Quran?
Why were They sent to Mankind?
What is the Covenant of the Prophets?
Can you name some of the people who The Prophets were sent to?
Can You name The Ways that God Communicates to His Messengers?
How was Moses Specially Chosen By God?
Why is Abraham called Father Abraham in The Holy Quran?
Who does God say is closes in relation to Father Abraham?
What did Father Abraham call Those Who follow His Religion?
What extreme steps did Father Abraham take in order to preserve His Faith?
The Books and Scriptures
Can You name The Books Given to Mankind by Our Creator?
What is name of the One Book that is the main source of all The Books?
What is The covenant between God and the People of The Book?
What sins did the earlier Inheritors of The Book make against their covenant with God?
The Signs of Allah
What is God's Purpose in directing us to His signs?
What are the Signs shown to us in The Holy Quran?
What are the Signs shown to us in Nature?
What are the Signs shown to us in Civilizations past?
What are the Signs shown to us in Ourselves?
What signs were already fulfilled by revelation?
Guidance and The Straight Way
Name the different ways that God guides Mankind?
Name the Best and One True Source of Guidance for all of Mankind?
Who is The Best Protector.
Who is The Best Inheritor?
Who is The Best To Guide?
How does Praying help Believers?
How does a Believer prepare His/Herself before Prayer?
During what times of the Day are Believers commanded to Pray?
What direction are Believers commanded to pray?
What examples of acceptable prayers does God give us in The Holy Quran?
Charity and Zakat
To Whom should Charity be dispensed as indicated to us in The Holy Quran?
What is the reason for giving Charity?
What is Zakat?
Can You explain the difference between Charity and Zakat?
How often should Believers give Charity?
What do You think God means by the Phrase "Lend Me a beautiful loan?"
Muslims(The Believers)
What are some Attributes of Believers?
How should Believers help each other?
Who are the Friends of The Believers as Ordained By God?
Who should Believers
not take
for Friends and Protectors?
Who should Believers take for Friends and Protectors ?
When fealty is given to The Prophet Muhammad, Who in fact is it given to?
What is The Oath sworn by Believing Women to The Prophet?
What Foods are Believers Commanded to avoid?
What foods are Believers Allowed to enjoy?
What is God's Command regarding Justice to Women and Orphans?
What should Believing Men give to Believing Women as a offering for Marriage?
Who are Believers allowed to Marry as Stated in The Holy Quran?
What Women are lawful for Muslim Men to marry?
Name at least
seven conditions
which must be observed before a Muslim Man can take multiple wives.
Why did God Allow Polygyny(Multiple Wives) in The Holy Quran?
Is Polygamy(multiple sexual relations) allowed outside of Marriage in The Holy Quran?
Islamic Rituals
What is God's command concerning the Month of Ramadhan?
Why are Believers required to Fast during that month?
During what situations are Believers allowed not to Fast during Ramadhan?
If a Believer was not able to Fast during Ramadhan, How can He/She make it up?
What period during the day do Muslim begin the Fast?
When does the Fast end?
What is not allowed during the Fast?
What is allowed in the evenings after the fast?
What is the Pilgrimage?
Where is the Pilgrimage to?
When is the Pilgrimage performed?
Explain some of the rituals of the Pilgrimage?
What is God's command regarding land game in the Sacred Precincts?
Name two symbols found during the Pilgrimage?
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Revised: June 01, 2000.